Monday, January 14, 2013

Here it is----2013!  Wow, the last year has flown by (at times).  I feel like I've been in a coma.  Yet, so much had to be taken care of.  Never, in my 63 years of life, have I ever dealt with so much paperwork, and jumped through so many bureaucratic hoops.  It is unreal what the "government" requires people to do...especially when you have lost loved ones.  They act as if it's "just another day", when you're dying inside.  The general act of walking and managing to put one foot in front of another is a miracle.  Why...even breathing has to be automatic, or you'd stop!  But---push was what I did, of course with the persistent urgings of Gene.  If he had not "nagged" at me and pushed me to go take care of papers, I guess I'd still be sitting.  I truly wasn't in the mood, but, with his loving urges, I got them done.  And now, I'm just waiting for the final papers to arrive telling me that the probate files are closed, and thanking me for being so diligent about getting everything done in a mannerly time.  Ahhh!  Now I can sit back and reminisce all I wish...remembering the BEST days of my lovely parents' lives. 
Just recently, my cousins Patty and George brought me some old movies of Uncle Charles'.  They had them put on a DVD.  How wonderful it is to look back and remember all of the sweet faces.  Young and old alike.  When they were filled with youth and vibrance.  Full of life.  Life seemed to be without a care.  Those times were like they would never change.  But change they did!  Thank goodness for technology we are able to look back and relish in the love and livelihood of those early days.  And we can laugh, just as they did in those many footages of film.  Thank you Patty and George for bringing some smiles and joy to my heart. 
I decided just before the end of 2012 that I was ready to let go of the past year and all of the sadness and losses.  Dad, Mom, Connie (a dear friend that I had become so close to), Aunt Jean, and my sister-in-law's mother, Lilian Graham.  Later in the year, Maureen Anspaugh and her sister, Jenny, died.  So many, so close to our hearts, some too young.  But none of us know how long we have here on Earth.  We're born, we learn and live, enjoy life to our fullest capacity, then we pass on.  Seems very short-termed.  What we do with our time is up to us. 
Anyway, I'm moving forward.  Not looking back at the sad times, but looking at the new days.  Enjoying what time we each have.  Making the BEST of each day.
So, here's hoping everyone has a wonderful New Year.  That only positive things will happen for you and yours.  Should sadness, or unfortunate times befall you, that you will not be swallowed by doom and gloom, or despair.  Instead, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and start all over again. 
Until next time....have a great life.  Love to all.  Enjoy the backyards, front yards, and all around.

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