Tuesday, February 21, 2012


At last, our biggest stress may be coming to an end. Gene went to see the company doctor last week and he agrees that Gene cannot ever go back to work doing what he did before. However, if the company can accommodate him with light-duty work, he could return. Again, that scenario may be denied, so it he could be going out on PMR (permanent medical restrictions). So we are going to be joining those people that Kris Cannode calls, "Drain on Society". Yay! I'll take it! This has been a HUGE drain on our psyche and has had me pulling at my hair for months. The four days we spent in Florida was great, but no sooner than we arrived back home, the phone started ringing and it was non-stop stress. Dealing with Mom and Dad's estate is going to be "Nothing!".
I have been able to let down my hair a few times when I've played Bunco with the ladies at our night and day games. We laugh, eat, and cut up and that adds up to stress-free. I've got thank you notes to get written and mailed. I've been so slack on some of my duties. But when the mind is not set to work on a "to-do" list, it's easier to just curl up in a cozy chair and let the mind go blank.
Tomorrow Gene and I will start a new venture...getting paperwork together to get our Social Security started. Again---YaY! Retirement is beginning to look pretty good. I mean, wow! Look at Patty and George, Sharon and Chas! In all the pictures, they're sitting on their derrieres, feet up, drink in hand, soaking up the sun. Looks pretty simple to me! ha ha
Spring is slipping up on us a little at a time...noticing the days are lasting a little longer. That means the kids will be playing baseball soon...and I've got my bleacher cushion ready. Oh yeah!
Please keep in your prayers---Today my Aunt Jean (my Uncle Harold's wife) passed away after coping with the pain and discomfort of an aneurysm near her heart (which was the size of her heart). They had no children. My uncle is coping with the loss of his best friend. He just lost his only sister on January 17th and now his wife. Life deals some heavy blows and how we cope with it tells a lot about our character and our faith. He is handling it as well as any person can. She will be buried on Saturday in Columbia, with family and friends attending. Another beautiful person and soul has gone to Heaven to join those who have gone before her. She joins her sisters and one brother and parents, along with many in-laws. Only one brother survives.
I love you Aunt Jean and will miss your soft-spoken voice and gentle hugs. Rest in Peace!
So, this ends another blog for now. Still have to learn how to post pictures. For now, you'll have to endure the writings of a confused mind. Some days are better than others. Whatever you do, make the best of every day. Tell someone you love them. Give them a hug. Sometimes those are the small things that make a big impact.
Live, Love and Laugh! ~Mildred


  1. Mildred,
    Life does not get any easier as we grow older. Those "golden years" they told you would be coming, only mean that you will get up an pee more in the middle of the night. The pictures of us sitting on our butts with drinks in hand -- the key is we get to pick the pictures....the pictures you don't see are heartbreak of losing a really good friend, a love one, a wonderful family member or the reality of getting old. Don't get me wrong, all that will happen even, if you do not retire but it will happen! Life is good (it sure bets the alternative) and if you roll with the punches you will survive! We think retirement only means the good times last longer but with our age we will always lose those who mean so much to us. Of course one of these days one of our friends will say, "I miss my friend, why did they have to leave me so soon". Life is good enjoy it while you can young lady!!!!

  2. Hey George. You're absolutely right...on all counts. And--retirement? It's fantastic! Wonder how we ever got anything done. Seems our calendar is full all the time. In fact, we have to take a day off just to get some rest!!! But we're loving it and only sorry it took getting old to see what really is important!
    Yes, we'll always remember those people we have lost...they are forever in our hearts and minds. But life does go on, and the living still have needs and wants. And those are the things that keep us going. To rise and watch the sun peek out, or to relax and watch the sun go down...the miracle of life is a wonder and should be enjoyed by all. Life is short. Enjoy every second of it. Love you guys.

  3. Hey George. You're absolutely right...on all counts. And--retirement? It's fantastic! Wonder how we ever got anything done. Seems our calendar is full all the time. In fact, we have to take a day off just to get some rest!!! But we're loving it and only sorry it took getting old to see what really is important!
    Yes, we'll always remember those people we have lost...they are forever in our hearts and minds. But life does go on, and the living still have needs and wants. And those are the things that keep us going. To rise and watch the sun peek out, or to relax and watch the sun go down...the miracle of life is a wonder and should be enjoyed by all. Life is short. Enjoy every second of it. Love you guys.
