Monday, May 13, 2013

2013 Ventures

Hello family bloggers,
Here I am, the middle of May.  Where has this year gone???  But, we've been busy. Nearly all of February and March was doctor visits.  Finally got done with that, then I started having ear issues.
Nonetheless, we went on vacation with Gene's brother and his wife, to Birmingham, AL.  Visited the Sloss Furnaces factory.  It's no longer a working factory and free to the public to tour.  Very interesting place.  Took a LOT of pictures.
Steel mill that is located in Birmingham, AL.  Closed now.

 Gene standing beside a large wrench.

 Huge wheel.  Gene's love and weakness.

We all took turns having a photo session with the some of the old machinery.

Gene, Dennis and Steve visited the Aircraft Museum in Montgomery, AL.  The girls went shopping.  So I didn't get any pics of that adventure.  We had a great time visiting with Gene's cousin and her family.  Steve's 91 year old father lives with them.  Mr. Smith has lived a very interesting life.  He was a young man when he met Stan Musial and was on his way to be signed up with the American League when his life had a change in course, and he joined the Navy.  For all we know, he could have been one of the greatest left-handed pitchers ever known.  He has pictures to document all of this.  Also showed us an old pic of the Daytona Beach speedway when it was on the beach.  Part of the big highway, I believe it was I-10, was closed during the races.  The other side of the track was in the sand (on the beach).  He said there was many a time the drivers would get loose and their car would head towards the ocean.  Too cool to listen to his stories.  I could have listened forever.
After leaving Birmingham area, we headed to Wetumpka, AL where Dennis' and Enid's middle daughter and her family live.  She gave us a short tour of the town of Wetumpka.  Very neat stories there too.
 Leslie Clark Hines with her son, Holden, and daughter, Delaney.
Me and Gene at the Wetumpka Park.

Dennis and Enid Clark with Holden and Delaney Hines.

We walked through the park and Leslie told us about how the Coosa River and bridge was used in the movie, "Big Fish", a Tim Burton film.  She showed us the house that was used for the Ed Bloom house whom Albert Finney portrayed, which is actually the Collier House.  The bridge is unusual and is easily recognized for its design.  
 Coosa River Bridge

Collier House, Wetumpka, AL

 The old jail
 Dennis holding Holden up to see inside the old jail.

We only had a day to spend in Wetumpka, but I asked my niece to brush up on her history of the town to give us a longer tour the next time we visit.  We had a great time walking through the park and along the river.  Can only imagine how neat the little town will be.

Next was Easter. Relatively quiet for us.  We did spend a little time with the kids but half of our grandchildren don't do much with Easter any more.  The little ones enjoyed egg hunts.
Mother's Day was the next big event.  What a FANTASTIC day it was!  Patrick, Lisa and Aaron picked us up and drove us to a new eating establishment called Willie Jewel's BBQ.  Sharon had to work a few hours at the Urgent Care office (filling a few Rx's).  Myron picked her up after work and they met us at Willie's.  We enjoyed some of the BEST stewed squash I've ever eaten.  And I've had my mom's squash, and I used to cook it all the time, but this was just super good.  Maybe it's because I haven't had any for a long time.  Yummy!  Anyway, after eating, we headed to downtown Charleston to the Joe P. Riley stadium for a Charleston Riverdogs' baseball game. They played an excellent game!  I believe the score was 10-9.  They played the Texans.  Throughout the game, different events were taking place.  One, was two guys dressed in oversized padded sumo wrestler suits.  Our son, Allen was one chosen.  I got a video of it and posted it on YouTube and Facebook.  Allen knocked the blue guy down the first time, but the blue wrestler knocked him down on his back, and then finished him off by jumping on top of him.  We laughed!  Allen said he couldn't feel the guy on top of him because those suits are really padded!!!  
Backing up to when we entered the stadium, there was a section set off for kids to test their ball throwing speed.  So Adam pitched.  He threw a 52 the first time.  Then Patrick paid for him to do it again.  This time he pitched a 55.  Allen decided he wanted to try.  Again, Adam tried to outdo his previous speed, and he pitched a 58.  They told him to keep checking throughout the day to see if anyone beat his speed.  At the end of all the fun, Adam stood undefeated, and won three tickets to the Riverdogs' games.  We all feel like we'll be watching Adam playing for the Charleston Riverdogs one day.  How cool would that be?  He is wanted by all of the teams in Summerville.  Everyone knows Adam "AJ" Jordan.  He's a good pitcher, outfielder, short stop, and batter.  He eats, sleeps, and thinks about baseball.  He found this to be his niche when he was 4 years old.  And he's been obscessed ever  since.

Adam's pitching speed---58 mph

Sawyer_enjoying the ballgame

Aaron and Adam_managed to catch them on the run
Cooper_ my sweet boy.  He had a great time too.

Gene trying his hand; 38 mph.  Not bad for a Grandpa who never played baseball.
Patrick didn't do too bad_for a 37 yr old.  He got a 57.
(But Adam was in the category for 11 yrs. and under.)

The day ended with Gramma buying all of the kids little Slugger baseball bats and they got the Charleston Riverdogs to sign them.  The sky was coming to a dusk as we all parted.  We had a great time and the weather was perfect.  If I never have another great day, that one will live with me forever.

School is nearing an end, and Grandpa has worked to get the pool open for the summer.  Now we just need several days of warm temperatures to get the pool water just right and the kiddos can enjoy swimming at Gramma's and Grandpa's.  Looking forward to spending time with the kids again.  That's what it's all about....FAMILY.
SO I end this blog time for now.  Hope everyone has had a good Spring.  Summer is upon us as far as the calendar indicates, but Mother Nature hasn't checked the dates as of late.  The weather is still iffy but that's OK.  Those of us who know what the terrible hot, stuffy, humid summers can be like are not complaining.  We'll take these mildly cool days and enjoy.  
Everyone take care.  Talk to you soon.
Enjoy your backyards, front yards, and all of God's beauty.

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