Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and Hurricanes!?! Oh my!!!

Hurricane (Horror-queen) Irene! Sounds like the East coast could be facing a dangerous storm coming the end of this week and weekend. It's been a while since SC had a good-size piece of hot air blow through! Oh wait! Have to exclude all of these politicians. I am SICK of all of them! Patty...I don't blame George. We DO need to clean house---AGAIN! Seems once they get to DC they lose all sense of why they were elected. So...if they can't do what we sent them there to do...then Adios! Time to get this country back, and the only way we can do that...is get the right people that represent and convey what the American people want. But---let me step down from my soapbox...it doesn't take much for me get hoisted upon it.
Now...back to the hurricane that is spinning upon us. We'll do whatever is necessary to prepare for her quick visit...hopefully, she will just skirt all of us, bring us some much-needed rain, then dissipate into the ocean. But, if she sees fit to pitch a tantrum and toss a few things around, rip up a few buildings or signs, so be it....just don't hurt anyone or put them on the street. People are in bad enough shape as it is. It's one thing to make work for some, but hope Irene doesn't destroy things to the point that our economy is hurt any more.
School has started and the kids are set up in their significant classes. Noah is in 8th grade, Adam and Aaron are in 5th grade, and Cooper is in 2nd grade. Sawyer turned 4 on July 10th and was hoping to be admitted to 4K classes, but he's just too smart. So guess he'll sit home this year and get into Kindergarden next Fall. Sydney will be 2 soon. She is as girly from the one long curl in the back of her head right down to her polish-painted toes, but loves playing with trucks and cars just as much as her brothers. She knows how to hold her ground too. Those boys are NOT going to get over on her. If nothing else works, squealing deafens them and puts them on the run. LOL They can give her a hard time one minute then give her tender kisses on her cheek or forehead when she's taking a nap. Go figure!?
On July 10th, Allen, Susan, Patrick and Lisa got together and planned a huge birthday bash for Aaron, Cooper and Sawyer. A humongous jump/slip&slide was placed on Allen's property and the kids (of ALL ages) had the most fun sliding and splashing. It looked like a big tiki type castle. To add to the decor, Allen built a tiki hut/bar (furnishing drinks of all kinds, alcoholic and non). BUT...Mother Nature would not hold off the afternoon thunderstorm that evening...and almost as soon as the jump/slide castle was at full-running capacity and all the decorations and tables were set up...then the clouds opened up...and all you could see was people, feet and arms....going in every direction. Thunder clattered and lightning flashed. Rain came down with such a force it was like it had not rained---EVER! Cats, dogs, bullfrogs...I'm sure I felt some of those fall on my back. The guys started setting up tents only to find they were missing some parts that were essential (like the cover part that goes on top). But never fear---guys are great riggers...and they can make anything work in a pinch! The rain would let up for a while, and there would be a mild mist---then it come down a little harder---just to remind us that Mother Nature was still in charge. The yard filled with water to the point people just took off their shoes and splashed and sloshed in water and mud mix. Nonetheless, the kids had a great time and Allen even had a DJ (his helper with his business---Platinum Electric Inc.), Josh! Yes, the equipment was the first tent placed to ensure that Josh's prized possessions weren't harmed. After a few drinks, some good eats and lots of talking and laughing, endorphins were released and the kids could have probably gotten anything they wanted that night. As I said, I really don't know who had more fun...the big kids or the little kids. The slide provided a lot of exercise and fun for ALL!
Sorry that I don't have pictures. This is one thing I have not learned to do YET! But give me time. I will!
Anyway...just wanted to touch base with everyone. I know it takes me a while to post anything, but I have problems with my computer and ---without the assistance of my "happy" pill, I'd probably have thrown this piece of technology out the window, door, or nearest receptacle. But, I'm still retaining some cool and the "beat" goes on.
Hoping next summer that we can have our pool fixed and working. The grandkids are begging for us to get it going again...and with all of them at the perfect ages to be enjoying the pool, it is only fair that we fix it.
So happy to hear that George has completed his chemo and I'm praying that the PetScan will show he's in remission and can get on with his life---once again. So many of our elders are growing weaker in body. We are so fortunate to have them with us at the ages they have reached. Dad is 90 and, if he makes it to November 16th, will be 91. Aunt Toots just celebrated her 86th birthday on Aug 19th. Aunt Marie will turn 82 on October 1st and Betty just turned 80 on Aug 1st. If strong will has anything to do with surviving...these 4 have a good chance of making it for a while longer. Whenever possible, it would make their day if we'd drop them a line to let them know that we love them and are thinking of them. They don't demand much...only to be remembered. OK...I'm closing for now. Until the next time, know that you're all in my thoughts. You're in my prayers. You're forever in my heart!

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